The location seems to suit the frontier style of the painter and New-York ex-pat, who enjoys a rustic life with his family—and who makes all his own paints and oils. He has spent decades perfecting his medium, working and re-working various oil mixtures in order to find the perfect consistency for each homemade pigment he uses.
Pfister’s latest flaxseed oil derived paints—his best yet—have taken on a new, more monochromatic palette. Black, brown, and grey predominate. Pfister’s evolving craft has dovetailed perfectly with his interest in archival pictures.
The following images are from Pfister’s studio and home-town in Wyoming.
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Chris Pfister’s Studio

Pfister in his Studio

A View of Pfister’s Studio from Outside

Pfister’s Oil Paints in Window Sill — in Front of Wyoming Vista

An Image of Pfister’s Homemade Paints

Pfister’s Brushes

View of Wyoming Road

Wyoming Scenery